Leafy Blends
From classic romaine to a delightful spring mix, you'll find our products delicious and nutritious all at once. The best part is, they grew up just around the corner from you — much like your best friend!

Vibrantly green, delicate leaves that capture droplets of dressing in their nooks and crannies to deliver a pop of flavor in every bite. Tuck a few leaves inside a sandwich for an elegant look.
- Ruffled Leaves
- Crisp Texture
- Refreshing Flavor

This blend of red and green leaf lettuce paired with peppery arugula gives this mix the classic flavor guaranteed to be loved. Delicious with any combination of toppings and dressing.
- Vibrant leafy blend
- Crispy texture
- Refreshing zesty flavor

Vibrant color with the satisfactory crunch you will devour. Elevate your next meal with this luxurious blend.
- Colorful leaf blend
- Crunchy texture
- Pop of flavor

This mix of crunchy leaves is the perfect foundation for any classic salad. The light baby leaves shine with your favorite creamy dressing.
- Bright firm leaves
- Flawless crispy bite
- Classic flavor